ProInf4 content

The content of the course Pro Informatik 4 - Rechnerarchitektur, Betriebssysteme und Kommunikationssysteme was converted to the new CMS format and is now available via the left Menu under the heading Lehre.

It contains all the previous content of the old CMS and additionally the introductory C Programm.

As of now i am not sure if i will make the old resources of previous Pro Informatik 4 - Rechnerarchitektur, Technische Informatik 2 - Rechnerarchitektur, Techni Informatik 3 - Betriebssysteme und Kommunikationssysteme and Algorithmen und Programmieren 2 - Objekt Orientierte Programmierung courses available again. If i find the freetime i will consider it though.


New CMS up and running

I managed to scrap up the free time to switch the CMS of from Pico CMS to jekyll with the HPSTR theme.

This will not only give the page a little more modern look and make it better readable on smartphones and tablets, it will also provide a beautiful syntax-highlighting for the provided source code.


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    if (argc < 2)
        return EXIT_FAILURE;
    printf("You wrote:");
    for (size_t i = 0; i < argc - 1; i++)
        printf("%s and ", argv[i]);
    printf("%s.\n", argv[argc-1]);

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
